13 Reasons the Best Coolers Need to Be Tough as Nails
More than just camping and tailgating, ice chests have to be tough because we use them for so many things. We searched the Internet for examples of how people use their ice chests to prove our point that the best coolers are the toughest coolers. These news stories just go to show you that coolers do more than keep your beer cold.
1. Hurricane preparedness
It’s hurricane season, and Florence reminded everyone living near the coast how important it is to be ready for disaster. Ice chests are on the list. Let’s be real: You don’t want a wimpy cooler when you’re bracing for a hurricane or other natural disaster.
Read the news article here: http://www.starnewsonline.com/news/20180909/getting-prepared----supplies-you-need-for-hurricane
2. Save the technology
If a cooler can keep ice and water in, it can keep ice and water out. The New York Times wisely suggests storing devices in a cooler during a hurricane. You need to have high quality latches (like those on a Bison cooler) for that plan to be fool proof in rising waters, though.
Read the news article here: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/13/us/apps-technology-hurricane-florence.html
3. Life raft
At the end of this article, there’s mention of a man whose kayak took on water, so he clung to his ice chest. Because the man was rescued, we feel okay saying that he probably had to dump some beer for the cooler to float. Desperate times, people...
Read the news article here: https://www.victoriaadvocate.com/counties/calhoun/injured-in-boat-collision-near-port-o-connor/article_25b26456-a830-11e8-9732-f7f2a410ea79.html
4. Catfish Fish transport
Sure, you can use your cooler to transport drinks to your favorite fishing hole, but you can also use it to transport the catfish you catch there. Also, some folks use coolers for other aquaponic reasons. It’s a thing kids in Louisiana are learning about.
Read the news article here: https://www.theadvocate.com/baton_rouge/multimedia/photos/collection_7974d62c-a59d-11e8-b0d1-33738f40aecf.html#1
5. Chilled cattle vaccines
The cows won’t come to the refrigerator so you’ve got to take the cooler to them.
Read the news article here: http://www.theadanews.com/news/local_news/vaccine-and-equipment-care-and-handling/article_e48b993c-c6d8-5bf4-b154-7431679be703.html
6. Carry insulin
It’s not just cows who need coolers to keep medicine chilled. In this news story, investigators discovered the driver was diabetic because of the cooler containing insulin they found in the car.
Read the news article here: https://www.stgeorgeutah.com/news/archive/2018/09/13/cgb-arizona-troopers-find-car-4-miles-from-where-it-crashed-on-i-15-in-virgin-river-gorge/#.W6F4YBNKiys
7. Firefighter rehydration
Firefighters work in heavy gear and extreme heat. Fires are rarely conveniently located near a water fountain, so firefighters rely on ice chests full of cold water to replenish the liquids they sweat out saving lives and property.
Read the news article here: http://www.chickashanews.com/community/salt-creek-casino-donate-water-to-grady-firefighters/article_7b68aab0-b21f-11e8-b736-4f66e66d9b26.html
8. Roadside firefighting
Firefighters weren’t there when this resourceful witness used a cooler to dump water on a car fire. That would be a great podcast: Everyday Heroes and their Ice Chests.
Read the news article here: https://www.eacourier.com/news/multiple-vehicle-fire-results-in-one-individual-hospitalized/article_16a40ee2-b4b0-11e8-8912-7f69c614c3fd.html
9. Keep sauced ribs warm
Coolers keep things cold because they’re insulated (some more so than others). That insulation also keeps things warm… things like root beer barbecued ribs. (Your mouth’s watering, isn’t it?)
Read the recipe here: https://www.splendidtable.org/recipes/root-beer-barbecued-spareribs
10. Thicken homemade yogurt
To counterbalance those ribs, you might need to make a batch of yogurt. Of course you’ll have to thicken it in “an insulated ice chest.” (But your mouth stopped watering, didn’t it?)
Read the recipe here: https://www.expressnews.com/food/recipes-cooking/article/Recipe-Homemade-Yogurt-13174428.php
11. Hungry bears
You may be gentle as a lamb with your cooler at the campsite, but the neighborhood bears might not be. Just because your defenses are down doesn’t mean your cooler’s should be.
Read the news article here: https://www.sacbee.com/community/roseville-placer/article215551135.html
12. Air conditioning
You thought you’d seen it all, but you haven’t seen this. A hot food truck operator makes his cooler live up to the name by using it to air condition the establishment. This is where ingenuity meets happy hour.
Read the news article here: https://denver.cbslocal.com/2018/07/12/food-truck-operator-devises-solar-powered-ice-chest-air-cooling-system/
13. Boat lift
Every once in a while, your boat just needs higher ground. A tough cooler will support your efforts and make it easier to wax the bottom of the vessel. Note: Brute is the former name of Bison Coolers. Yep. We’re tough as nails, and we’ve got the warranty to prove it.
See the image in this post: http://www.mapmyranch.com/mmr-blog/brute-coolers-mmrs-newest-affiliate-partner
Bison coolers are tough as nails because our customers work hard and play harder. You need a cooler that can handle whatever life throws your way, whether it’s newsworthy or not.