Dealer Spotlight: Davis Feed in Certerville
Brute Outdoors is proud to announce Davis Feed in Centerville, TX as our Dealer Spotlight of the week! Davis Feed has proudly served Leon and surrounding counties since 1985. They provide a friendly and knowledgeable staff is more than capable to satisfy all your agricultural and outdoor needs. In addition to our full like of Brute Box Coolers they can provide you will a whole host of other products including purina feed, hunting supplies, deer feeders, blinds, attractants, bulk and sack fertilizer, grass seed, farm and ranch supplies, culverts, gates, panels, fencing materials, home and garden supplies, tack, sell hunting and fishing licenses.
Address: 825 Highway 7 East. Centerville, TX 75833
Facebook page: www.facebook.com/davisfeedcenterville
Twitter: @Davisfeed