For most of us across the country, deer season has officially arrived. It's time to grab the bow or rifle and hit the stand. There's hardly anything more enjoyable than bringing down a nice
brute. You've got your rifle or bow, the land, the stand and the plans but what about the right cooler? You need a cooler that's
tough and has the ice retention capabilities to keep your deer meat cold and fresh. After all, why do hunters spend so more time focused on the pre-hunt and ignore the post-hunt? A quality cooler is an absolute necessity and
Brute Outdoors has the right cooler for you. Our 5-day hunting ice chests are available in
3 sizes. However, the
90 quart and
155 quart Brute Box Coolers are ideal for serious hunters. They provide 2" of insulation, durable thick walls, heavy duty latches and the space you need to keep that prized kill fresh.
Check us out today and happy hunting!
October 01, 2012
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