“Shoeless” Rey Bishop

I’m an avid outdoorsman from Willis TX, grew up in Davis Oklahoma, and have been fishing, hunting, and camping as long as I can remember. My dad and grandpa taught me how to hunt and I taught myself how to fish. The love for the outdoors really didn’t happen for me till I graduated college and moved to Texas. All I ever knew was bass fishing because that’s all I had and that’s all that my free time would allow.
This past year has been one for the ages! I discovered saltwater fly fishing and this thing called overlanding (basically camping out of your truck that’s been modified with a roof top tent, built in kitchen, and a bunch of other cool stuff). I have been blessed with a wonder wife who puts up with my insane hobbies and I’ve also been blessed with a beautiful daughter to share my adventures with! Don’t worry... The wife comes also!!
The name Shoeless Rey started as a nickname and became this thing that just keeps growing and growing. I got the name because I always fished barefooted at college fishing tournaments and people always noticed that I never wore shoes!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shoelessrey_outdoors/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7Ni3YVMEW1GG3q6VzbL44A